DStress® Package 60 capsules

Ingredients Per 1 Capsule
Dry extract of
Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea L.)
150 mg
Vitamine D 200UI (100% NRV)

How to use:
1 capsule twice a day. To be swallowed with water. Supplementation period of 1 to 3 months.
One-off intake possible, the day before and the morning of astressful event.

Catégorie :


Rhodiola helps the body adapt to emotional stress. It contributes, in fact, to
good blood circulation which promotes brain performance and responsiveness.
It also has a beneficial effect on nervous fatigue.
Rhodiola is particularly recommended during stressful situations (exams, projects important, work overload, speaking in public…) or overwork.
It also has adaptogenic properties helping to protect the body during stress
physical. It will thus be particularly recom­ mended
to athletes since it promotes better adaptation of the body to physical exertion. Per 1 capsule


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